Thursday, January 28, 2010

Missing Letters

What are the missing letters?

c l a
e n c
g p e
. . .

Repeating yesterdays announcements
Sometime in the next week, I'm going to attempt to move Question of the Day to a domain name (get it off of blogspot).  I don't think I'm going to have any issues with the feed, and hopefully, you will not have any trouble getting posts in your normal matter.  If you do, I'd appreciate it if you would let me know ASAP.  I don't want anybody to get lost in the move.

If you normally come directly to the site by typing it in, you shouldn't have any trouble with it. Hopefully, you will get redirected to the new site without any issues (again, if you have any issues, please let me know ASAP!!!) .

Also, if you happen to have a good idea about what domain name I should use, please leave it in the comments.

One other thing, I'm thinking of changing the format slightly.  I was thinking of approving comments the next day.  That way, everyone will have a chance to make their guess.  I was also considering doing a point system, if you answer correctly, you get a point  (similar to what guessthelogo does).  The point system seems like a lot of work for me to keep track of, so I'm not sure I want to go ahead and do that.  But you can consider this a heads up.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!


  1. i r g

    The columns are in alphabetical order while skipping every other letter

  2. Even I am getting "irg"

    Some suggestions for the domain name, short for Question for the Day

  3. Thanks for the suggestions, Harsh. I'm afraid those sites were already registered, so I'm going with Not exactly great for 'type-in' traffic, but I think it works for us.

    Anyways, the pattern is clear. We're skipping every other letter as we go down the columns, so the answer, as Jay and Harsh have already given, is i r g.


Leave your answer or, if you want to post a question of your own, send me an e-mail. Look in the about section to find my e-mail address. If it's new, I'll post it soon.

Please don't leave spam or 'Awesome blog, come visit mine' messages. I'll delete them soon after.

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