Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Olympics Trivia

1. The original games were organized at Olympia (hence Olympics). They were expanded to four locations to create the Panhellenic Games. What were the four locations?

2. What does Panhellenic stand for?

3. Each of the locations celebrated the games in dedication to a Greek God. Who were the three gods who received honor, and which location(s) were they associated with?

4. Athletes in the ancient Greek games competed in the nude, True or False?

5. Although women were not allowed to participate or be a spectator in the games, it is said athleticism was just as important for them. There was one exception. One women was allowed to be a spectator at the games. Who was this lucky lady?

6. Lining the passageway that led to the stadium, statues were erected with the names of famous athletes inscribed upon them. But most athletes would have preferred not to be remembered this way. Why?

7. The modern games last weeks, but the ancient games weren't as long. How many days did the games last?

8. Although a laurel crown is most associated with the ancient awards ceremony, each site had their own type of crown. And Olympia did not use the laurel leaf. What type of crown was used at the Olympics? What about the other sites?

9. We all know who Nike is today (swoosh!), but in ancient Greece, Nike meant something else. What?

Facts are taken from the pdf file at the site.  You can look there for answers, but try to answer them on your own first!  ;-)

1 comment:

  1. 1. Olympia, Delphi, Isthmia, Nemea

    2. pan = all, hellene = Greek

    3. Zeus, the king of the gods, was honored at Olympia and Nemea

    Apollo, the god of light and of reason, was honored at Delphi

    Poseidon, the god of the sea and of horses, was honored at Isthmia

    4. True.

    5. She was the Priestess of Demeter (the goddess of agriculture and fertility). She occupied a seat facing the officials’ stand (?because of the nudity?).

    6. The statues were called Zanes and were inscribed with the names of cheaters! When they were caught, the athletes who cheated were fined and the cost of the fine was used to create a statue of Zeus. The cheaters name were then inscribed at the base as an object lesson to future participants.

    7. Originally, the games lasted 1 day. They were eventually expanded up to 5 days. Today's Olympics take 16 days.

    8. At Olympia, it was a wild olive leaf crown

    At Delphi, a laurel crown

    At Corinth, a pine crown

    At Nemea, a wild celery crown

    9. Victory was often represented in the form of a winged female character known as Nike, which means “victory” in Greek.


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