Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Common Days

What do the following have in common: Friday in June and Sunday in October?


  1. They never have a holiday fall on them. No Fridays in June or Sundays in October (Father's day is always on a Sunday in June, and Halloween can fall on any day of the week except Sunday, when it is usually moved to Saturday)

  2. No letters in common.

    jUne satUrday
    jUNe sUNday
    juNe moNday
    jUnE tUEsday
    juNE wEdNEsday
    jUne thUrsday
    june friday

    OctOber mOnday
    ocTobEr TuEsday
    octobEr wEdnEsday
    ocTobeR ThuRsday
    octobeR fRiday
    ocTobeR saTuRday
    october sunday

  3. jonathan figured it out. Neither of the pairs share a letter, unlike every other day of the week and month pair.


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