Wednesday, May 13, 2009

If You Get This One, I Will Eat My Hat

Which one  is the odd one out?

Gaskin, Stifle, Hock, Fetlock, Gibus

BTW, It seems like I've been doing a lot of word puzzles lately.  Does anyone have any good math, logic puzzles, etc... they want to share?


  1. I'll say Hock.

  2. I think it's gibus.
    Gaskin, stifle, hock, and fetlock are all parts of horses (or quadrupeds), whereas I have no idea what gibus is, so that's probably the answer.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Gibus, it's a type of top-hat whereas all the others are part of horses

  5. Definitely gibus. All the rest are parts of equine anatomy.

  6. Gibus is also the only word that lacks two consecutive consonants.

  7. Gibus is the odd one out as it's an opera hat.

  8. Its definitely Gibus... it is the ONLY word without a comma after it

  9. Gibus, for it is a hat, the others are horse parts

  10. It's Gibus.

  11. the answer is gibus, which was the only word i didn't recognize which after i looked up is an opera hat =]. the others are parts on a horse.

  12. Being a horsy person, I will disqualify myself from saying answering. (but if I did, it'd be gibus)

    One of my favorite math puzzles: A man buys 10 trees. He leaves instructions for them to be planted in 5 rows with 4 trees in each row. How is this possible?

  13. its gibus because all the others are horsey parts!

  14. Congrats on being the blog of note. How about this for a math problem?

    There are 7 girls in a bus.
    Each girl has 7 backpacks.
    In each backpack, there are 7 big cats.
    For every big cat, there are 7 little cats.
    Question: How many legs are there in the bus?

    You can check out my blog at and I can let you know if you've got it figured out. :) M

  15. Gibus! Any self respecting equestrian would ken that!

  16. The hat, or the Gibus is what you need to lose! The other four are parts of a horse. Being a horse-owner, I should have known this, but I must confess that Google helped me out a little. :)

  17. stifle is the only one ending in a vowel, so I'm going with it.

  18. Gibus is the only one not pertaining to hooves.

  19. Well you must be a horse lover, because the odd one out is gibbous. I don't know if you did it to give a hint but I looked up gibus and it was spelled gibbous.

  20. I say it is stifle. It is the only word that ends with a vowel.

  21. Gibus is an another name of opera hat but others are parts of horse

  22. there are 406 legs in bus .

  23. i think its
    all of the above :)

  24. it is hock. Hock is the only one syllable word. all the others are 2 syllables.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I'm with Anonymous: "Hock" is one syllable. Alternatively, there are two answers; hock according to syllables, gibus according to item named.

  27. it is hock

  28. Other contributions suggest it's gibus.

    Nice blog concept.

  29. Gibus - for it has nothing to do with horses - Myths

  30. I'd say gibus... but I'm not really sure... :O

  31. Gibus 'cause everyone is saying it is. Damn puzzle is like waterboarding. ;-p

  32. Its Gibus....time to eat your hat..haha

  33. this question may have no universal answer. ;)

  34. Gibus.. because it's the only one I can't define!

  35. gibus, all the others are related to the horse. Ami right? or am i right?? :P

  36. One of our "politicians" claims the answer is Stifle.

  37. Definitely gibus, since all the other words are horse related.

    So... which hat are you going to eat? Straw one, felt one, woolen one, net one, flower bonnet, cap?

    And how are you planning on eating it? Boiling, roasting, frying, sauteeing, broiling, grilling, baking, raw?

    Which part will you eat first? the brim, sticky-outy parts or the actual head/crown of the hat? Or are you going to gut it up into little pieces and eat it like a steak with knife and fork?

  38. I'm gonna say Hock

  39. It's gibus! Thanks for enriching my vocabulary!

  40. My Dad's favorite teaser: A man rides into town on Friday, stays three days and leaves on Friday... how?

  41. Wow, I haven't seen this sort of response in a long time. Thanks for all of the answers.

    I was going for gibus, since the other words are related to horses. As others have pointed out, gibus is a type of hat.

    As always, however, sometimes the answer I have isn't the only answer. That's the problem with these types of questions, they often have more than one answer that's legitimate.

  42. MzzLily, I thought I had posted that one before, but I guess I haven't. I'll have to try it out.

    Rebecca, I have used that one before. It's a great question!

    Please, if anyone thinks of any others, let me know!

  43. Mike,
    Sorry for the repeat...I'm new to your blog. LOVE IT! Thanks

  44. I'm glad you're here, Rebecca. This has been a pretty exciting couple of days.

  45. I say Stifle because it starts with a consonant and ends with a vowel. ALl the others start & end in a consonant.

  46. Great blog Mike :) just saw it today!! Sure would like to share a few maths brain teasers. Like this one :- "A man goes uphill and finds a stone weighing exactly 40 Kg. he happens to tumble it down and down it comes trumbling but reaching down it breaks up in to four (4) pieces. And to Mike's surprise he could use the four pieces to weigh 1,2,3,4, .... upto 40 Kilos. What are the weights of each of the four pieces Mike has now !!

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Rebecca:
    Your dad's horse is called Friday.

    That reminds me of the twins, but this one should really be spoken, not written.

    Mary and Ann are twin sisters to each other.
    1. They were born in March, but their birthday is in September.
    2. One is twenty, and the other is twenty-two. 3. They married each other.

    Maj Mandloi:
    The weights are 1, 3, 9, 27 kilos. Bearing in mind that each can be placed on either pan of the scales, these allow all the required combinations.

    For example, 14 = 27 - (9 + 3 + 1).

  49. Geez, how do you all know the parts of a horse?

  50. did you mean gibbous?

  51. Just wondering where you post the answers???

  52. I post the answers in the comments. Look above for the answer.

  53. im gonna say hock even though i know its gibus cause hock is something you can actually do.

  54. Here's a great logic puzzle...

    ok suppose you are locked away by a tyrannical king whom admires clever prisoners and not infrequently allows them pardon should they be resourceful enough to effectively use their heads...he tells you that you shall remain the rest of your days rotting away in a small prison cell or risk death by answering a simple enough question of logic he says...which if you answer correctly you shall be free but die risk your life for the option of answering the kings question...however, the king is not without a sense of sadistic justice so he has you blinded with hot pokers..and while in excruciating pain tells you that you are standing besides another blind man and one man with one good eye...while you are agonizing he tells you that he has randomly selected out of five hats- 2 of which are red and 3 of which are black- 3 hats to place on each of your prisoners' heads and and tells you that if you can determine what color hat is on your head you may go free...the prisoner with one good eye tells you that he has no idea what color hat he is wearing...the second blind prisoner is told by the malicious king what color hats both you and the first one-eyed prisoner are wearing and he says he cannot determine what color hat he is you despite all the pain of being blinded with hot pokers immediately tell the king that you are wearing a black did you figure this out asks the king...and you explain and are set free...what pray tell did you explain???

  55. gibus is the one that is odd.


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